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How to Turn the Chime on an Adt Alarm System

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How To Turn Off The Door Chime On An ADT Alarm System

DIY Security Systems

An ADT alert system is a way of protecting your home from break-ins and monitoring people from entering and exiting your home. It also provides peace of mind when you are far from your home, knowing your house is safe and secure. One of the key features of ADT Alert systems is their door chime. That being said, it is important if you know how to turn off door chime on ADT alarm system properly.

One of the most remarkable features of ADT Alert systems is the door chime. It rings whenever someone exits or enters your home. However, as an owner, it is important to know how to turn to chime off on the ADT system as it can be annoying, especially if there's an event in your home and kids keep entering and exiting your home. In this article, you will get tips on how to turn off door chime on the ADT system for better security at home.

What is an ADT Chime?

One important thing about having a home security alarm is to monitor everyone's movement when entering and exiting your home. In doing so, chimes are triggered to know that someone is walking in and out of your house. Chimes produce loud sounds that easily deter criminals and thieves and scares them away. This ensures that you are easily notified when someone enters or leaves your home.

However, it does not work as well as other home alert systems, ADT alert systems are subtle; they merely work by just alerting you that the door is opened. So, if you are trying to protect and fortify your home, a home alert system is your go-to. You should at least know how to turn off door chime on your own ADT alarm system.

There are particular situations wherein the ADT chime is helpful. They are useful when working at the back of your house, it easily alerts and notifies you that certain individuals are entering your home, it might be your kids, friends, or neighbors. Knowing that people are entering and leaving your home is quite helpful, especially for owners who have kids.

But there are also times wherein door chimes aren't quite useful and sometimes gets annoying. For example, if there's an event in your home, birthdays, occasions, and all sorts, the chime becomes disruptive to your conversation. It will keep on notifying you because guests are coming in and out of your home.

That's why it is important as an owner to know how to turn off door chime on the ADT alarm system because the ringing won't stop unless you go through the main control panel and shut the door chimes entirely. Don't worry as these chimes can be turned on again once guests leave your place.

Ways on How to Turn Off Door Chime on ADT Alarm System

If you turn off the door, a chime is an easy and simple task to make. Suppose you want to master how to turn off door chime on the ADT alarm system, then lucky for you as I will share easy steps to do it. The procedure is as follows:

  • Start by opening the door on the front of the alarm and simultaneously press the * button and the four buttons. Basic door chimes use the "*" and "4" keypad functions when trying to turn off the chime.
  • When notified, press the "chime" button for around 3 to 5 seconds.
  • After that, close the door. That's it! You are done!

When trying to get it back to work again, repeat those instructions.

How Does a Chime Add Security and Safety to a Home

Although chimes don't provide as much protection as home alert systems, there are plenty of reasons why an installed chime works wonders for your home, especially when you are home or away. A chime contributes to the overall safety of your home, regardless.

Even if you think that your neighborhood is safe, buying home alert systems is still necessary even if they are quite expensive and troublesome to install. You only need a simple monitoring tool like an ADT Alert system. It is an incredible tool to monitor and help allow you to manage the entering and leaving of people in your household.

It's essential if you know how to turn the chime off on the ADT system. If you decide to turn your ADT Chime off during an event or party, it should be noted as an owner to turn it back on once the part is over. The Chime is already built onto the ADT system, might as well take advantage of it.

Low ADT Chime Battery

There are certain scenarios wherein door chime could also annoy you or disrupt your conversation with your friends. A low ADT battery constantly alarms you that the battery is almost empty, and the backup battery isn't fully recharged. Also, one of the reasons why chime alarms are erratic is due to a recent power outage.

In most cases, low battery notifications are exhibited through a beeping sound. For you to silence the beeping, go right immediately on the panel's keypad by pressing OFF or # buttons. However, in some instances, you should refer to the manufacturer's manual for clarifications.

Additional Tips for a Safe and Secure Home

Having an installed ADT Alert system only means ensuring the safety and protection of your family. But some things can help you with protecting your home without having to splurge large amounts of money.

Always Lock Doors and Windows

It is essential always to lock your doors and secure your windows when leaving your house. It is quite an easy and basic thing to do as an owner.

Minimize Bushes and Shrubs

Burglars can easily hide through bushes when they are suspected, reducing shrubbery limits their ways of easily hiding. Also, big bushes are one of the easy ways to go undetected. Cut and trim them so that burglars have nowhere to hide.

Outdoor Lights

They give vision and also monitors a specific area. Combined with the reduced amount of bushes and shrubs, burglars and thieves are easier to detect.


A door chime is an effective way to monitor the movements of people who are constantly entering and leaving your home premises. However, door chimes are quite annoying and disruptive when people are going in and out of your door, especially when there's an event like a party at home. That's why it is essential for owners on how to turn off door chime on the ADT alarm system. Don't forget to turn it back on once the party is over. Here's how to learn more about Window Alarms.

How to Turn the Chime on an Adt Alarm System
